Angular Date pipe in component ts file

This article will show you how to use Angular Date pipe in component ts file. To achieve the same we need to...
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Property ‘createId’ does not exist on type

This error generally comes when you upgrade your angular fire and firebase to the latest version. ...
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Revert Last commit in GIT

Revert last commit in GIT git reset --soft HEAD~1 --soft will not remove your uncommited code. Again if you...
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Recursion to get Range of Numbers

Recursion is a technique to reuturn a function as a loop until it meet a condition. So instead of loop such as for,...
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Track all remote branches GIT

Here we will show you how to track all remote branches in GIT and get them all at once in your local. Below is the...
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Modes of SVG

Three modes of SVG Object embeded srcobject data=""iframe src="" Image img srcbackground :...
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Angular number up to two decimal point

{{currentInProgressBadge.badge_progress | number:...
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Function Performance check

const myAwesomeArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] const startForEach = myAwesomeArray.forEach(x => (x +...
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Check word score in a string

// Capital letter - 1 // small letter - 2 // number - 3 // spl char - 4 let str = "l. lorem ip 123"; let...
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Angular command

The above command generate about module and it will also generate about component and add module route in app...
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