How to increase the volume of EC2 instance

In order to increasse the the volume of EC2 Instance you need to click on volume attached to your EC2. After that select the volume and choose the option "Modify Volume" from the action menu. It will open a dialog where it will ask you to input the require volume to...
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Zip and unzip with command using terminal

There are various package that does this job but we will talk about `tar` that simply zip and uzip files and folders. This small article will show you how to zip and unzip with command using terminal. To zip files tar -czvf zip_file_name.tar.gz -C ./dist...
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Upload files into AWS EC2 using aws cli

We all have heard about codepipeline which simply triggered by a source commit and start a pipeline to build application then deploy automatically to ec2 servers. Upload files to aws ec2. Well this article is not about code pipeline but a simple script that will make...
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How to Bypass HTTP Interceptor while calling api

When injected, HttpBackend dispatches requests directly to the backend, without going through the interceptor chain. import {HttpBackend, HttpClient} from '@angular/common/http'; import {Injectable} from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({ providedIn:...
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Symbolic representing in linux server

Search the path of actual installed packged detination. After that copy and run like below command. which npm which node which pm2 sudo ln -s /home/ec2-user/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/npm sudo ln -s /home/ec2-user/.nvm/versions/node/v16.15.1/bin/node sudo...
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Angular Date pipe in component ts file

This article will show you how to use Angular Date pipe in component ts file. To achieve the same we need to import `DatePipe` exported function from angular core modules. import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common'; transform() { return new...
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Property ‘createId’ does not exist on type

This error generally comes when you upgrade your angular fire and firebase to the latest version. data['id']=this.createId(); For the new Firebase 9 you need to do the following change. ...
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Revert Last commit in GIT

Revert last commit in GIT git reset --soft HEAD~1 --soft will not remove your uncommited code. Again if you replace the same with --hard it is going to replace all the uncommited code in your local git reset --hard...
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Track all remote branches GIT

Here we will show you how to track all remote branches in GIT and get them all at once in your local. Below is the demo of a git where there are several branches and each branches there are some code. To get...
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Modes of SVG

Three modes of SVG Object embeded srcobject data=""iframe src="" Image img srcbackground : url() Inline svg path {stroke-dasharray: 5, 2;stroke-dashoffset :...
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