This article will show you how to use Angular Date pipe in component ts file.
To achieve the same we need to import `DatePipe` exported function from angular core modules.
import { DatePipe } from '@angular/common';
transform() {
return new...
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This error generally comes when you upgrade your angular fire and firebase to the latest version.
For the new Firebase 9 you need to do the following change.
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Revert last commit in GIT
git reset --soft HEAD~1
--soft will not remove your uncommited code. Again if you replace the same with --hard it is going to replace all the uncommited code in your local
git reset --hard...
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Recursion is a technique to reuturn a function as a loop until it meet a condition. So instead of loop such as for, map, etc we will simply return a function until it is meet with a condition to break the loop.
function rangeOfNumbers(startNum, endNum) {
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Here we will show you how to track all remote branches in GIT and get them all at once in your local.
Below is the demo of a git where there are several branches and each branches there are some code.
To get...
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