Track all remote branches GIT

Here we will show you how to track all remote branches in GIT and get them all at once in your local. Below is the demo of a git where there are several branches and each branches there are some code. To get...
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Modes of SVG

Three modes of SVG Object embeded srcobject data=""iframe src="" Image img srcbackground : url() Inline svg path {stroke-dasharray: 5, 2;stroke-dashoffset :...
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Function Performance check

const myAwesomeArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] const startForEach = myAwesomeArray.forEach(x => (x + x) * 10000000000) const endForEach = console.log(`Speed [forEach]: ${endForEach - startForEach} miliseconds`) const startMap =...
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Check word score in a string

// Capital letter - 1 // small letter - 2 // number - 3 // spl char - 4 let str = "l. lorem ip 123"; let str1 = "skdfh skdfh alsjdhf KJHGH24 ksdhfksfh"; let arrayStr = str1.split(" "); let obj = {} function checkCase(ch) { if (!isNaN(ch *...
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JIT and AoT in Angular

In this another small article I am going to explain what is different between JIT and AoT in Angular and which one is better. Just In Time (JIT) and Ahead of Time (AoT) is Angular compiler which runs in Angular background Just in Time (JIT) Inefficent for...
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JavaScript Algorithm to find all possible anagram of a string

JavaScript Algorithm to find all possible anagram of a string. let genAnagrams = (word, n, anagram = '', anagrams = []) => { word = word.toUpperCase(); if(anagram) { anagrams.push(anagram) } if(!word) { return } ...
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A gentle introduction into tree shaking in Angular Ivy

First, let’s understand a few key terms and I will also include references to articles if you need a deeper understanding of these concepts: Ivy — It is the code name for Angular’s next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline. Read here and for...
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Angular Material dialog send data on close dialog

I am just writing a small code that will help fellow developers to pass an object after the dialog is closed. <!--Dialog Compoenent / popup --> <div [innerHTML]="data"></div> <button (click)="cancel()">No</button> <button...
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NodeJs mongodb query to fetch collection data with total length offset and limit

This is how we query from mongodb collection to fetch data with total length, offset and limit. For total length we need to use async. let url =...
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Remove spec.ts while generating angular component

$ ng generate component dialog-boxx --skipTests=true The post Remove spec.ts while generating angular component appeared first on Santosh...
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