How to set responsive viewport meta tag

At the very beginning when I started responsive web deisgn I have face the problem regarding viewport meta tag. Actually I was working in the desktop browser where everything was seem to be working fine but as soon as I check the same site in mobile devices it was not...
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How to disable comments from individual post from dashboard

Being technical we all know that we can easily hide comments with some sort of if and else conditions. But there is a wordpress hidden feature that will allow you to hide comments from admin. Now I am going to show you how to disable comments from individual post from...
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How to bypass administrator password in windows

Hello all, In this article I am going to show you How to bypass administrator password windows 7, 8, 10. Bypass administrator password windows Open Run dialog box by pressing Window key + R Type netplwiz and press enter. Uncheck the option under user tab that...
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Livereload with sublime text

Hello readers, In this article I am going to show you how you can Livereload with sublime text. This article is useful for the developer who are working on their localhost project and trying to view the output on browser with local path. Resource we need for...
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Fix Updates are disabled by the administrator

In this small tutorials I am going to show you how you can easily fix updates are disabled by the administrator. Sometimes you might need to update you chrome and you see the message. Horribly you are a administrator and you don’t know how to do that.. haha.. don’t...
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which port occupied by which program

In this section I am going to share a small tip that will help you to know which port occupied by which program. For windows netstat -ab | findstr 35729 For Mac lsof -iTCP:35729 It will tell you which program is being used by this port. If output nothing then the port...
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