HTML5 default validation for confirm password

Hello guys, In this section, I am going to show you how you can easily validating HTML5 default validation for confirm the password. Generally in HTML5 when you create a form you simply write “required” attribute to the form element and it starts validating...
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Compare identical array

How to compare identical array var userOrder = ["sort_one","sort_two","sort_three","sort_four","sort_five"]; var correctOrder = ["sort_one","sort_two","sort_three","sort_four","sort_five"]; function arraysEqual(arr1, arr2) { ...
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Remove duplicate array based on api response attribute value

Remove duplicate array based on api response attribute value is something different than a normal array. In this post we will find out how we can achieve by comparing attribute value of object array and remove the duplicate array. Remove duplicate array simple In the...
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Javascript group object by its properties

In this small article I will show you how you can easily group the object by its properties. Below is the function code to group the object by its properties. Common = { _groupBy:function(list,props) { return list.reduce((a, b) => {(a[b[props]] = a[b[props]] ||...
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Do you know the difference between var, let and const?

Hey guys, in this another small article I am going to explain the key difference between var, let and const. Now the question is do you know the difference between var, let and const? ..really? Do you even know what let and const can do to improve your code? If you...
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Remove duplicate array via vanilla JavaScript

In this, another small tutorial I am going to show you how you simply remove the duplicate array from any array given. This is a very simple trick, so you don’t require any other plugin or framework. I am going to show you how to remove duplicate array via vanilla...
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TODO application with Javascript and localstorage

Todo application with Javascript and localstorage. I have build this small application using vanilla JavaScript. Demo link Git Hub link Special thank to ID generator code from codepen. I have used the Id generator code from above codepen url, that helped...
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Convert HTML entity code script

Sometimes when dealing with API response we get HTML entity tag as well. For eg: In order to fix this kind of issue we can use a simple javascript snippet. function convertHTMLEntity(text){ const span = document.createElement('span'); return text...
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