Angular route using route params

We can use route feature of angular to move from one component to another. The template way of using the route feature is as below. <button class="btn btn-success" [routerLink]="['/dashboard', data1, data2, data3]">Continue</button> We can route...
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How to modify the response to an HTTP request and access it before return it out from Observable?

We often need to modify the response that is return from the http request before it return as observable. That means before we parse it into our component we might need to update. It all depends on the version of RxJs. Angular 6 launches with RxJs 6 - which means...
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Update Angular locally

Update angular locally . This small article I am going to show you how you can easily update your local angular version to latest. I am using npm-check-updates package to update the package.json Follow the below steps. # Install npm-check-updates $ npm i -g...
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